

During our thirty-first class we have discussed the concept of Global Village and read a text on the subject. We have highlighted some sentences using the passive voice, such as:

Durante nossa trigésima-primeira aula nós discutimos o conceito de Vila Global e lemos um texto sobre o assunto. Nós destacamos algumas frases usando a voz passiva, tais como:

"The United Nations was founded in 1945 to help countries resolve disputes peacefully".
"The other nations of the world were split into two "sides", and the world was frozen in a perpetual state of hostility, seemingly on the brink of destruction".

After reading the article and identifying those examples, we did a short comprehension exercise on a handout distributed in class.

Depois de ler o artigo e identificar tais exemplos, nós fizemos um pequeno exercício de compreensão em uma apostila distribuída em sala.

We have also gone to the computer lab and each student had to correct the questions they missed on our exam, with the help of our online handout (this blog) and search mechanisms, and send it to me by e-mail.

Nós também fomos ao laboratório de informática e cada aluno teve que corrigir as questões que errou em nosso teste, com a ajuda de nossa apostila online (este blog) e mecanismos de pesquisa, e enviar para mim por e-mail.


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